SNF Nostos


Nostos University for Kids

Join John at Nostos University and learn the magic of math, nature and beauty coming together.

17-19 June 2018, 18.30-19.30, Delta Restaurant

Nostos University for Kids

John Edmark is an inventor and artist, and has taught in the Design Program at Stanford University for the past 14 years. Videos of his animated sculptures, which look more like digital animations than real sculptures, became an instant internet sensation.

Join John at Nostos University and learn the magic of math, nature and beauty coming together. Spiraling into Art & Nature Learn about different types of spirals, see how they are used by nature and artists, and then make some of your own!

June 17
Spiraling into Art & Nature
Learn about different types of spirals, see how they are used by nature and artists, and then make some for yourself!

June 18
Nature’s secret weapon for beauty and efficiency: The Golden Angle
Learn nature’s secret recipe for sunflowers, artichokes, and pinecones, and then create your own golden angle design.

June 19
Living Growing Spirals
Learn how spirals are often essential to growth and life. Create a “living” spiral that curls and uncurls under your control!

Priority passes to be given 1 hour before (17.30), at the Info Kiosk Agora.
Up to 2 passes to be given to each participant.