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World Health Organization. (1986). The 1st International Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Available from:
2. Bibliography
2.1 Dictionaries and glossaries used in the search and synthesis of terms.
Barnes R. Health impact assessment. Glossary of terms used for Health Impact Assessment. Copenhagen: World Health Organization. Available from:
Chess ethics glossary. University School of Medicine in St Louis. Washington Center for Humanism and Ethics in Surgical Specialties. Available from:
Dictionary of Psychology. American Psychological Association. Available from:
Digital health terminology guide. Standards and Interoperability Lab-Asia; 2018. Available from:
Digital health Europe glossary. Available from:
Global Health Glossary. The global health network. Available from:
Glossary of patient engagement terms. National Health Council. Available from:
Glossary of Climate Change Terms. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Available from:
Health Literacy for Public Health Professionals Course Glossary. Center for disease control and prevention. Available from:
Health promotion glossary of terms 2021. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Available from:
Health Systems Strengthening glossary. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011. Available from:
Health care gov. Glossary of terms. Available from:
Language of Media Literacy: A Glossary of Terms. CML. Center of Media Literacy. Available from:
Last JM. Dictionary of Public Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2007.
National Library of Medicine. HTA 101: Glossary. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR). Available from:
Primary health care glossary. Australian Government. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available from:
Public Health Terminology. State of Oregon. Available from:
The NICE glossary. National Institute for Health and Health care. Available from:
The Cochrane Collaboration. Glossary of terms in The Cochrane Collaboration, Version 4.2.5, The Cochrane Collaboration; 2005. Available from:
WHO European Primary Health Care Impact, Performance and Capacity Tool (PHC-IMPACT). Glossary of terms. World Health Organization 2019. Available from:
2.2 Other bibliographic sources used in the synthesis of the interpretive terms
Budapest Declaration on health promoting hospitals. Budapest: Health Promoting Hospitals Network; 1991. Available from:
Communicating for health: WHO strategic framework for effective communications. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020. Available from:
Declaration of Alma-Ata. International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata, USSR, 6–12 September 1978. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1978. Available from:
Equity in Health and Health Care. WHO/ARA/96.1. WHO, Geneva, 1996. Available from:
Ferrer L. Engaging patients, carers and communities for the provision of coordinated/integrated health services: strategies and tools. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe; 2015. Available from:
Healthy environments for healthier populations: Why do they matter, and what can we do? Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019 (WHO/CED/PHE/DO/19.01). Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO.
HEARTS Technical package for cardiovascular disease management in primary health care: team-based care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018 (WHO/NMH/NVI/18.4). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Global Working Group on Health Literacy.
IUHPE position statement on health literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world. Global Health Promotion. 2018; 25(4):79–88.
Koplan JP, Bond TC, Merson MH, et al. Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet. 2009; 373 (9679):1993–5. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60332-9.
Promoting health in the SDGs. Report on the 9th Global conference for health promotion, Shanghai, China, 21–24 November 2016: all for health, health for all. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017.
Strengthening people-centered health systems in the WHO European Region: framework for action on integrated health services delivery. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2016.
Starfield B. Basic concepts in population health and health care. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2001; 55:452-4. doi: 10.1136/jech.55.7.452.
The design and development of the glossary was based on suggestions from speakers at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) conference "SNF Nostos: Health" for some terms related to their fields of knowledge and extensive online research, in order to review existing glossaries and dictionaries, as well as the relevant literature. A selection of terms was made based on their compatibility with the topics of the conference and the wider awareness-raising of factors that affect health and public health. Then, special emphasis was put on the effort of interpretive and, as popular as possible, presentation of the terms derived from textbooks, texts and online sources. Finally, the terms were translated from English to Greek and vice versa, in order to check the fidelity in the rendering of the terms.