SNF Nostos



The Voice of Youth: LGBTQI+Community and the Access to Health Services

Thursday June 23, 15:15, Alternative Stage GNO

Giannis Vassilopoulos, Member of the  SNF Nostos Youth Advisory Committee


Drawing on his own lived experience, Giannis Vassilopoulos took to the Alternative Stage of the Greek National Opera on Thursday, June 23 to shed light on the barriers and challenges the LGBTQ+ community faces in terms of access to health care.

96% of health professionals have not received proper guidance on issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community, Vassilopoulos said. After a break-up prompted him to visit a mental health center, he was met with stereotypical attitudes about his sexuality, he explained. As a result, he took it upon himself to highlight the urgent need for the protection of LGBTQ+ people as well as the education of health professionals to ensure equal access to health services.
